Saturday, August 15, 2009

my book so far

Jenn is this what you imagined? I can stop now or continue through the whole book.....I am leaving gaps and scattering images around. This is only half the book done.........shall I leave you the other half to give me something to work against? I sort of see this as a complete intergration of our work, not getting too precious about our books, as long as we are respectful of each other it should be great fun


Anonymous said...

This looks great! I wouldn't do more yet. Give us some space and time to go back and forth for a bit. I'll work on mine tonight and send you pictures soon. I agree. I don't want it to be too precious, and I do want to intermingle our work - as in draw on top of each other's additions. :)

Lynne said...

Yep...I agree, I will leave it alone until I send it on to you.....I think I was in a bit of a fever when I got this done...I am completely clam and rational now ..hahaha

Lynne said...

oops I meant calm and rational, not clam...oh dear ( perhaps I am not completely over my cold after all .. :-)

Lynne said...

posted 2 days should be with you soon.....have fun :-)